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February 2009
This JAMA article by Clifford Lane et al. reports in 2006, that “after 25 years” of research, “Explaining, predicting, and treating HIV-associated CD4 cell loss (alias AIDS) is still a puzzle.” Lane is Anthony Fauci’s vice-leader of the nation’s AIDS research at NIAID. The article does not explain either, why, under those disappointing conditions, new scientific hypotheses are not considered. The scientific method calls for new hypotheses, if the current one fails to “explain” and produce.
The Lane-article is a commentary of the article by Rodriguez et al. in the same issue of JAMA, which first demonstrated that there is no correlation between “virus (HIV)-load” and onset of AIDS. Such a non-correlation directly supports the view that HIV is a passenger virus. (See also the “$bn AIDS quiz” and the article by Rodriguez et al. on this website under “Articles”.)”
December 2008
It is now 13 years since Inventing the AIDS virus was published in 1996 by Regnery in Washington DC. In these 13 years AIDS researchers have confirmed virtually all predictions of Inventing the AIDS virus and its Foreword written by Nobelist Kary Mullis: There is still no vaccine, no viral mechanism for AIDS, no explanation for the 5-10 year latent periods from HIV to AIDS, no explanation for the latency of HIV during AIDS, and no curative antiviral AIDS drug.
On this occasion we have added here pdfs of the Foreword and of Chapter 1 & Chapter 6 of IAV. The book is available through Amazon.com.
As a new option we offer a signed copy of "Inventing the AIDS Virus" and, if desired, with a personal inscription, for $25 (plus shipping and handling). For orders, please contact us at ssachs@calmail.berkeley.edu.
Duesberg wins Semmelweis award 2008
Semmelweiss Award